They say that curiosity
killed the cat.
It’s a good thing
she has nine lives.
These windows,
these screens —
allow us to see
into lives
we are not a part of.
But if we look,
will we like what we see?
Will it set us free?
Or perhaps pull us deeper
into mystery?
Dreams are pleasant places
but they aren’t real.
Fantasy is just another vice.
A body - a face - an energy,
to root hope and kindle desire.
It’s the unknown
where magic lies,
where possibilities reside —
where anything can be.
An unknown story
waiting to be heard,
to be told,
to be written,
though reality dictates
it may never exist
outside of one’s own
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat,
it taught her.
It allowed her to see,
to learn,
to know
what was real
and what was make believe.
Because her mind is composed
of magic and mystery,
of adventure and peril,
courage and peace,
of an unwritten love story —
As vast and deep
as the sea.
The tigress awaits
one as curious
as she.