A few pages from my "Triggers" journal (for lack of better name). I have been experiencing a lot of triggers related to childhood/teenage trauma. These days it feels like I'm constantly tiptoeing through a mine field, waiting for the world to explode.
The four pillars of health (Sleep, Nutrition, Movement & Connection) help keep the bipolar mood swings in check, but the triggers are different... The cleaner I get in my lifestyle, the more triggers emerge, as I have been self medicating trauma for a very long time...
I decided to create a "Triggers" journal - a book in which I can sketch my emotions. Technique and skill are NOT the focus of these art and writing pieces. The point of this journal is to loosen up and allow myself to create straight from my heart and imagination.
Amazingly, it helps! These five sketches have been a good reminder that I'm the author of my life and I can choose whether my character swims or drowns.
I can't change the trauma (what's already been written), yet each new page is an opportunity to change the ending.